Kamisama Hajimemashita Wiki

The twenty-fifth volume and final volume of Kamisama Kiss was originally published in Japan by Hakusensha on August 19th, 2016. It was originally published in English by Viz Media on October 3th, 2017.

Publisher's Summary[]

Nanami and Tomoe are getting ready to leave Mikage shrine and join the human world for good. Nanami has even been accepted to a junior college in the child development department! But while she thought she was ready to retire as kamisama, it turns out that Nanami is going to lose a lot more than just her ability to use spells—she won’t be able to see anyone from the spirit world again! Is the price for being human too high?

List of Chapters[]

Chapter Covers[]


Volumes and Chapters
Volume 1 010203040506
Volume 2 070809101112
Volume 3 131415161718
Volume 4 192021222324
Volume 5 252627282930
Volume 6 313233343536
Volume 7 373839404142
Volume 8 434445464748
Volume 9 495051525354
Volume 10 555657585960
Volume 11 616263646566
Volume 12 676869707172
Volume 13 7374757677787979.5
Volume 14 808182838485
Volume 15 86878889Special Episode 1Special Episode 2
Volume 16 909192939495Special Episode 3
Volume 17 96979899100101
Volume 18 102103104105106107
Volume 19 108109110111112113
Volume 20 114115116117118119Special Episode 4
Volume 21 120121122123124125
Volume 22 126127128129130131Special Episode 5
Volume 23 132133134135136137
Volume 24 138139140141142143
Volume 25 144145146147148149
Specials Bonus ChapterExtra EditionChapter 149.6